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Week Seven: Living in Canada is Enough to Learn About the History

The purpose of teaching Treaty Ed is to make students aware of the past and to show their white privilege. It is vital students are aware of the background of the land they live on and how it all came to be. It doesn't matter what your background is, living in Canada is enough to learn about Treaty Ed. It is without question that the history of Canada involves aboriginals and treaties and without them, we simply would not be this country today. By learning and teaching this history, we will be able to recognize what happened in the past (the wrong and the right) and be able to take steps to make things right. It takes more than just one person to make those changes possible.

Its simple… We are all treaty people.

My understanding is, that we are all aware, through education, what treaties are. To further my understanding, in order for a treaty to be successful, it requires at least two parties. In my own experiences I go to school on Treaty 4 land and this itself has made me more aware of the history. We are all users of treat land and we are all treaty people because we all live in Canada. We are able to live on the land we do because of these founders and what they were able to bring to the land. We hear and learn about the history and allow it to live on if we do not make changes. Therefore, we are all treaty people and it is important to continue to learn about Treaty Ed.

Claire Kreuger made this tweet and I think it is important to note and share:

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