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Feedly... Whaaaaat??

You're probably thinking, what is Feedly? What does it do? Do not worry those were my exact thoughts too. But now that I have checked out this RSS reader, I have found it to be quick helpful and insightful. I thoroughly enjoy reading articles about a wide variety of topics, and within this source, I can find items of interest and read about them more in-depth.

The first search that I immediately typed in was "TED talks" because I love hearing real life stories and how they connect with myself, my work and just my everyday lifestyle. Within these TED talks, there are very valuable stories about teaching that is told from a variety of perspectives, which means it is never single sided. Also, there are talks about different lessons, which is very valuable to me as a pre-service teacher. I think this site would have been very valuable to me throughout this last year especially, but better late than never. I plan to use this more throughout my internship for ideas and guidance.

My other searches so far have been classroom ideas, like The Fishbowl, as this was something we had tried in my ECS 311 class, that I enjoyed, but I was still a bit confused at the end, on the benefits. I want to learn more about it and in turn, bring it into my future classroom. I will continue finding other classroom ideas that are engaging to my students and provides learning experiences.

This RSS reader is educational, and I will continue to recommend it to anyone that comes my way.

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