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POV: A Teacher Using Educational Technology

What is Educational Technology?

A few words came to mind when first being posed this question. Assistive. Improving learning. Useful. Learning. Opportunity. You might ask, “opportunity?” I believe it allows individuals a variety of opportunities to expand upon their knowledge and to show what they know. In my own instances, I teach in a class with intellectual needs. For them, they all have a SETT device (student, environment, tasks, tools), which assists with their learning. When completing tasks, they are often done on the computer using Google Read and Write, where they can listen and talk into the computer. Without this piece of “educational technology” it would be difficult to complete tasks and providing these students with equitable opportunities. Like discussed in class, I think educational technology has two separate strands – soft and hard. For in my example, both the computer and the software, Google Read and Write, are both considered educational technology.

When thinking about “What might a contemporary definition of educational technology look like?” I believe the definition would involve improving learning and knowledge to expand upon the students’ thinking using soft and hardware systems. I do not believe it is restricted to a certain age group but rather, useful at a variety of ages. After thinking about what I might think of the definition, I put my research to a further test and came across “Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources” (Serhat Kurt, 2017). Or as Michael Spector (2012) states, “educational Technology involves the disciplined application of knowledge for the purpose of improving learning, instruction and/or performance” (p.10). I think considering these two quotes and my own thinking, they are revolve around the same realm which is that the technology is there is assist, for student to apply and expand upon their knowledge to improve performance/learning. I appreciate this graphic organizer I came across on the web, as it aligns with my beliefs about what educational technology is and how it should be used.

My Understandings and Thoughts Now

My understandings and thoughts around educational technology has been altered and forced me to think about what these means after digging deeper into rich historical and philosophical contexts. Two quotes stuck out to me as I began diving into the readings, that were unforgettable. In the Media Debate, Clark (1983) makes a remark that states, “media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in our nutrition” (p.445). This really highlighted how although technology can assist with delivery of the content, it does not indicate student success/achievement. Furthermore, in Five things We Need to Know About Technological Changes it states, “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail” (Postman, 1998, p.3) which alludes to that technology is very powerful and there lies epistemological, political and/or social prejudice behind everything on technology. Dependent upon your culture, your educational experience can be very different as the technology provided can alter your thoughts, emotion and intellectual tendencies with what is conveyed. Through these philosophical contexts, I can see how technology is a tradeoff, where it has its advantages and disadvantages depending upon your culture, school, family, and your life in general. We cannot just set technology in front of students and expect success, we need so much more than that. Inevitably, as Postman suggests we must be careful with evolving technology as he outlined that technology is great but it comes with more than anticipated.

I appreciate this live video I found of Audrey Waters, explaining her experiences with educational technology and how many different experiences she has had.

Over the last 100 years, technology has advanced to a great degree, more than imaginable. This directly influences me as a teacher, a future mother and just a member of society. Technology is mythical – it can change our beliefs and construct a false reality, constructing the belief that everything is naturally given. I say this affects me in so many contexts because it will influence what I do with “educational technology” in my personal and professional life and be more cautious of the messages and content conveyed through the technology.

Questions I still pose….

- How has educational technology shaped you as an educator? Parent? Family member? Or even a member of society?

- Do you think educational technology comes with more advantages or disadvantages? Why do you think this?

- Do you think in the world today, there is too much or too little technology? Explain. What do you see the future looking like?

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