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Stretching (My Belly)

Running on a hot day? I literally ran to Dairy Queen.. Was the only motivation I had to get in my run for the day and luckily it was 3km away, so I felt the ice cream was justified. But sometimes ice cream is just what we all need! Sure my goal was stretching this week, but I did a pre-run stretch and then stretched my belly too! At least I am still stretching ;)

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream (After a Run!)

But in all seriousness this week was a little different than most due to a hiccup in my health, resulting in 5 sets of stitches. The theme for this week was stretching, so I ensured to continue to stretch and I was able to get in a few runs before my stitches. Luckily, it will be a speedy recovery and with this upcoming week, I will be able to go back into running each day.

The theme of stretching, wow did I ever need it! Many accounts helped make this happen, especially Youtube, guiding my post workouts!

Tom Merrick, thebodyweightwarrior, helped guide my first stretching session with a 15-minute follow-along. He walked me through the stretches step by step and allowed me to get comfortable with my own body, not pushing me past my limits. I continued to use his follow-along stretches over the course of the next week.

Physio Fitness, lead a stretch on Youtube, which are considered to be the best leg stretches for runners. He states, “These are my must-haves for any runner or someone starting out running to maintain their mobility and prevent the niggles and any major injuries down the track.” I completed these stretches after my runs and throughout my recovery, to keep me moving and feeling good.

Halfway through the week, I realized I was only doing static stretches and although they are good, I felt the need to incorporate dynamic stretches, especially since I was unable to run for a few days. Yoga With Tim, lead me through a 5-minute warm-up, with dynamic stretches, that he considers to be imperative before any run. I was feeling loose and ready to run! However, since I could not run, I still went out on a walk, to keep me moving.

Next up stretch facilitators, were on TikTok with Jill Justine, Erin Bailey, and Rhiannon Bailey, where they guided pre and post-runs, with dynamic and static stretches. They helped me with modified stretches (as my flexibility was limited, due to not bursting stitches). They helped aid recovery and I know this will improve my performance with running over the next few weeks. I am thrilled to come across these accounts, to further my learnings.

My theme for this upcoming week is running in the mornings vs night. I will continue to use the Youtube and TikTok accounts that I have previously used to continue stretching and guiding my running. Especially with this heat wave approaching, I think morning runs might be my best bet. I cannot wait to share what I prefer and my progress.

What do you think is better - morning or night runs? Do you think I have it in me to wake up earlier to complete these runs? Only time will tell….

Isn't this the truth...

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