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#teachit #tweetit #loveit

Twitter is a vehicle to share information and allows us to further our learnings. I have always been a fan of Twitter as I interact with people and share my students learning journey. I believe it is a platform to stay connected and learn about current events that are happening world wide. From educator to educator, it informs my practices and allows me to connect, share and create!

My interactions with Twitter has always been professional, as I do not have a personal Twitter. Rather, I have enjoyed sharing students inquiry projects along the way and learning from other educators. I even used to take part in #saskedchat where I connected with many educators all over the province and shared my understandings. I even was a moderator for #saskedchat a few times, which was an amazing experience to create questions and see all the interactions! I strongly believe that Twitter informs our learnings and gives us access to continue to expand upon it and connect. I look forward to being involved in more chats.

Example of Using Twitter Professionally!

As I said, I have had various interactions and connections through Twitter and I am continuing to learn each day. I wanted to share some of my favourite educational Twitter accounts to hopefully inform your learnings!

I am looking forward to continue to find accounts to build upon my PLN and discovering resources!

Teaching and Learning with Twitter supports my learnings as I continue to embark on a journey to create more of a digital classroom. I thought this was necessary as I still struggle to bring Twitter into the classroom with my students, as I am always hesitant about using social media within the four walls. So I ask you -

What are some ways you use social media in the classroom? What does this look like? How do you set boundaries and expectations?

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