The Opportunity of Assistive Technology
Since embarking upon my educational journey, I have had ample opportunities to use assistive technology within my classroom. When I first think of assistive technology my mind immediately goes to using electronics - Talk to Text, computer, iPad, etc. but assistive technology is so much more than that! Understanding this, can give more students in the classroom an opportunity and helps me to understand every student can take advantage of assistive technology.
Through this weeks facilitation, I have come to understand that assistive technology is simply not just connected to a power source aka. an electronic, it is so much more than that. As stated before, I can give every student in my classroom the opportunity to use assistive technology without even realizing at. When looking at low tech, this could involve graphic organizers, pencil grips, manipulatives, sticky notes, highlighters and displaying my visual schedule each day. These are simple ways I am meeting the learners of my classroom, everyday, where every one has access to these tools at a low cost!
As we move to mid tech this could include word prediction, calculators, audio books (Raz Kids being one of my favourites), voice amplification or devices to help people move around (wheelchair). Each day my students use word prediction and audio books, which helps them to be successful in the classroom. For many of my students, they are below grade level with reading and therefore, audio books are a very useful tool to ensure they are still interacting with books and have the same opportunities to read. For one of my students, I use a voice amplification which evidently helps them to hear clearly through their hearing aid.
Finally, high tech would be using the power sources - computer, iPad/tablet, SMART board and Talk to Text. All the students within my classroom have SETT devices (Student, Environment, Tasks, Tools) where each of them have an iPad or Chromebook to assist with their day to day tasks within the classroom.
There are inevitably limitations and challenges with using assistive technology. One challenge that Childhood and Assistive Technology: Growing with opportunity, developing with technology highlights would be lack of products, services and financial barriers. These all go hand in hand, as when it comes to budget cuts, looks of services and products go with it. For myself, in my school division, there is not enough high assistive technology available to every one due to finances. However, with saying such, Botelho stated, “even though there is no denying how powerful a talking computer, a hearing aid, or a motorized wheelchair can be for those who need them, there is today a tendency to overlook how helpful low technologies can be in many circumstances” (p.590). Inevitably, the challenges and limitations that initially come to mind revolve around high assistive technologies. When thinking about low to mid technology challenges, I think there is sometimes not enough time to learn how to utilize all these tools to effectively bring into the classroom and in turn, teach your students how to use them. Going back to budgets, we are only given a certain amount of money per year, per classroom. It is not an option for me to have access to all these tools and I have to be aware and stringent with what ones I am choosing for my learners.
Provided here is a description of SETT devices and how the process works provided by Joy Zabala.
My role as a Learning Resource Teacher, I am constantly creating IIPs (Inclusion & Intervention Plan) and ROAs (Record of Adaptions), which typically involves low, mid & high technologies to utilize within the classroom. After the presentation, articles provided and digging into this blog post, I realize how many opportunities assistive technology has!
What limitations and challenges come to mind with using assistive technologies in your classroom? What assistive technologies are you using daily, weekly, monthly within your own classroom?