Week Three: Don't Just Teach the Subject... BE the Subject
"The teacher should not only know her or his subject but "be" that subject." It is clear throughout school that teachers need to be...
Week Two: The Curriculum and its Historical Roots
I found this article to be quite relatable in my own schooling experience. Throughout my schooling, we inevitably had programs that were...
You and Winter Are Essential In This World
Dear Noah, I miss you so much and wish you were here on this cold, snowy day. Today when I walked to class the air was so cold, I felt...
Week One: What is Curriculum?
Throughout this article many different key points were brought to my attention. I had never really thought about the idea of ‘common...
CJ1: Experiences From the Environment
There has been many times throughout my life that I have felt connected to the environment, but where I feel the most connected is at my...